Nail Drug Test


Nail Drug Test

How can drugs be detected in nails? Any drug that is consumed circulates in the bloodstream. As a nail grows, substances pass from the blood vessels below the nail into the keratin fibres where they become trapped and can thus be detected.

Why choose nail testing? Nail testing is ideal for those cases where hair testing is not possible (such as the donor has no or little hair, for religious reasons, and for those concerned with their appearance). Nail samples are collected using standard nail clippers and are collected by the donor with a specimen collector present. Nail samples must be approximately 2 - 3millimeters in length on all fingers or toes to provide a sample of sufficient weight. We do not mix finger and toenail samples. Doing so cannot provide an accurate use history. Unlike hair drug testing, nail testing will not give a historic segmented pattern of drug use, but it will give an overview of up to 12 months.

Definition and Collection

Substances tested for include:

  • Methamphetamine
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Cocaine
  • Ketamine
  • PCP
  • Zolpidem
  • Amphetamine
  • Cannabis
  • Ecstasy (MDMA)
  • Methadone
  • Opiates

Collection Method

The nail is collected as close to the nail bed as possible. If the nail is long (5 mm or above) then only one would be required. If the nails are short then it may be best to take clippings from a couple of nails. Either fingernails or toenails can be used for the test, but not a mixture. Approximately 10mg of nail is required in total. The sample would need to be collected under chain of custody conditions to support legally defensible results. This would require either an appointment with one of our trained sample collectors at a place convenient to the donor or at one of our walk-in Centres.

Legal Drug Testing

We have substantially invested in the very latest drug testing analytical equipment, and employ some of the best scientists in the world, to ensure that our legal drug tests are as accurate as possible. Noble Med Solutions with many family law firms, legal practitioners, courts, and local authorities to support decisions that protect children and families from the effects of harmful substances. We use the latest technologies to bring you fast and reliable legal drug test results from a wide range of illicit, prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

Call Us on 03337721645 for FREE Consultations.

We always value our clients and provide bespoke drug and alcohol testing.

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