Hair Strand Test


Hair Strand Drug & Alcohol Test

A hair strand drug test is among the most exact laboratory tests for drugs and alcohol and is almost impossible to cheat. The process can be used to discover virtually all drug and alcohol substances, between 7 days and 6 months after their use. The test result also shows the month in which a donor takes a substance, and can therefore be used to build a ‘picture’ of substances use over time. A little quantity of hair is taken by a trained sample collector, usually from the head (we only need about a shoelace worth.) If an individual’s hair is completely unsuitable for testing, body hair or fingernails can still be used for an accurate result. Today, Noble Med Solutions provide one of the fastest hair testing service in the UK. 90% of results are available within 48 hours.
What you need to know about oral fluid (saliva) testing: The sample is collected using an absorbent mouth swab with Detection window being 0 – 2 days.

Collection & Process


A hair sample of around 5-millimetre thickness is taken from the head or body of the donor, and deposited in a sealed, tamper-proof envelope. This is sent to the laboratory for testing.


  • Very difficult to cheat
  • It shows patterns of drug or alcohol use over weeks and months
  • Highly sensitive and always correct
  • Easy, non-invasive collection
  • Quick results turnaround


  • Hair tests cannot specifically determine the amount of substances used by the donor
  • Samples cannot indicate substance used in less than 7 days after of the incident

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We always value our clients and provide bespoke drug and alcohol testing.

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